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5 exercises to help with muscle weakness

18th January 2022


Persistent muscle weakness can be caused by a variety of different factors including health conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis and Cancer and side effects of certain treatments including hormone therapy and chemotherapy.
Exercise and a healthy balanced diet can help reduce and manage muscle weakness.

✅ Focus on functional exercises. These are exercises that allow you to effectively perform your day to day tasks :


1. Squat = sit to stand

2. Push = Wall press

3. Pull = Row

4. Hinge = good mornings

5. Lunge = Reverse lunge


Bounce Back Exercise is an inclusive online exercise community for people who have been diagnosed with cancer, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis and other long term medical conditions.

✅ Specialised exercise classes designed for people with cancer, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and other long term clinical conditions.

✅Four weekly exercise sessions to address common disease symptoms and side effects including balance, fatigue and muscle weakness as well as improve your strength and fitness.

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