Exercise support specifically designed for people who have been diagnosed with a long-term health condition.
“If exercise were a pill, it would be the most widely prescribed medicine in the world”
Cancer – Parkinson’s – Multiple Sclerosis
Exercise can help people manage symptoms and treatment-related side effects of a clinical diagnosis.
Exercise is beneficial for cancer patients pre, post and during treatment. In addition, research has also suggested that exercise could play a key role in preventing cancer progression and prevents the risk of cancer recurrence.
Parkinson's Disease
Although exercise may not be a cure for Parkinson’s disease, it can be one of the most powerful treatments. Exercise can help individuals manage symptoms and side effects as well as being effective in slowing down the progression.
Multiple Sclerosis
Regular physical activity is good for both physical and mental health. The same is very true for individuals with MS. Exercise can give individuals better control over their body and decrease side effects of MS including overall fatigue.
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